Expert Discussion on AI Audio Production


From captivating film scenes to rousing music concerts – immersive audio has the power to transport us to new dimensions. And now a new protagonist is entering the stage: artificial intelligence. In an era where technology paints sound in 3D and algorithms shape soundscapes, the fusion of AI and immersive audio is rewriting the rules of creativity and experience, including the prevalence of AI-generated audio content such as AI-generated music.

About AI Audio content creator

AI-generated voices and AI voice are creating dynamic and immersive audio experiences. The realistic and natural-sounding qualities of AI-generated voices, produced by AI voice generators and AI voices, are transforming the industry. Additionally, the integration of background music with AI-generated voice outputs enhances the overall audio experience.

Artificial intelligence has revolutionised the world of sound production, providing complete control over the creative process for directing and editing audio, and generating high-quality spoken audio through generative voice technology. This technology also enables content to reach a global audience by supporting multiple languages.

AI-generated voices are known for their human-like voices and natural AI voices, making them sound natural and engaging. These voices exhibit human-like intonation and inflections, creating a natural human voice and natural-sounding AI voices.

Real time voice cloning today

Authors and podcasters can now use AI-generated voices instead of recording their own voice, benefiting from realistic AI voices that offer customization and naturalness. The conversion of text into spoken audio and the creation of voice clones further enhance the audio production process.

Voice generators are essential for creating new voices, supporting multiple accents and languages, and enhancing audio content across various applications.

For this reason, the Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e.V. invites you to a captivating panel of experts on the topic of “A.I. in audio production”.

About the event for a global audience

You can look forward to an exciting forum that will shed light on what is probably the biggest revolution in the history of sound production. The best AI voice generator software offers high-quality audio output, emotion mapping, and a wide range of vocal choices, making it perfect for content creators, writers, and individuals looking to create captivating audio experiences or realistic-sounding voice overs.

Experience practical tips, innovative approaches and the limitless possibilities that A.I. opens up for daily work in this dynamic professional field. Be inspired by the latest developments and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the audiovisual future!

The following high-calibre experts will be discussing live on site:

Johannes Imort – Research Engineer at Native Instruments

Stefan Weinzierl – President FG Audio Communication at the TU Berlin

Fabian Seipel – Managing Director of ai|coustics UG

Martin Rieger – Owner of VR Tonung

The event will be hosted by none other than Jens Blauert, Professor Emeritus of Communication Acoustics at Ruhr University Bochum.

Report from the VDT (Association of German Sound Engineers):

For those unable to attend live, there will be a detailed follow-up report from the VDT summarizing the key findings and discussions from the event. Stay tuned for exciting insights and the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence and audio production!

What is Martin doing there with an AI voice generator?

Of course, as an expert in 3D audio, Martin should not be missing from this panel discussion!

Martin uses artificial intelligence on a daily basis in various areas such as marketing and audio, leveraging AI voices for diverse and natural-sounding voiceovers in his projects. He is a pioneer in researching VR projects that utilise technologies such as text-to-speech, text-to-sound-effect, image-to-sound-effect and text-to-music. Voice cloning is another area Martin explores, creating AI-generated voices that mimic real voices for applications in advertisement, IVR, and entertainment.

After his studies, he started his career in virtual reality and continuously expanded his knowledge and skills by exploring new topics. Martin shares practical insights and shows students how Artificial Intelligence is transforming professional life and what opportunities it offers.

Get an introduction to the symphony of AI-powered immersive audio and get an overview of its impact on everything from automated remix to personalisation.

Martin is looking forward to an interesting discussion!

Is 3D Audio Experiencing Its Breakthrough with Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

From captivating film scenes to exhilarating music concerts, immersive audio has the power to transport us to new dimensions. Now, a new protagonist takes the stage: Artificial Intelligence (AI). In an era where technology paints sound in 3D and algorithms shape soundscapes, the fusion of AI and immersive audio is rewriting the rules of creativity and experience.

Our latest blog article dives deep into the exciting world of 3D audio and artificial intelligence. Discover how AI-powered auto-mixing and upmixing are revolutionizing the way we experience sound. From the revival of forgotten audio echoes to the creation of personalized soundscapes, explore the diverse applications and immense potential of these technologies.

Contents of the article:

AI in Auto-Mixing and Upmixing: How artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the mixing process.

Reviving Forgotten Audio Echoes: The magic of AI in audio restoration.

Acoustic Landscapes Woven by AI and Images: A new synesthesia through image recognition.

Personalized Soundscapes: Experiences created just for you.

Podcast Revolution: The audio alchemist of AI in podcast production.

AI’s Sonic Palette in Music Production: A new composer at work.

Why this article is important:

Our article not only provides an overview of the latest developments and technologies but also highlights the challenges and immense potential of AI in the field of audio production. It’s an exciting journey through the world of 3D sound that you won’t want to miss!

Curious? Read the full article and discover how AI and 3D audio can expand your imagination and transform the way you experience sound. Dive into the future of sound – now on our website!

Explore the various solutions and describe in which direction our ears will soon experience audio content: Read the full article.

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